Quick update, Blog-buddies!
Work has been hectic this week so no more planes have been made (yet!) Had a sharpen and play with the Rutlands jointer. Hmm..... Sole is still unacceptably convex so planing is difficult. And the tote is very uncomfortable .[oh-oh, I'm sounding like "you-know-who";)] Also the wedge only supports the iron (well, chipbreaker) for the first inch or so. They then part company heading off in different directions. Sigh....well what did we expect for the money? I'll do a tune-up on the weekend and see how it performs.
Stool news-finally drilled the mortises in the seat for the legs. Compound angles are fun, right? Needless to say I chickened out and used a jig on the drill press........
The heat continues to sap my will to do anything (combined with busy workdays) but I am eager to get make some progress this weekend. I even have the beech ready for the next pair of planes.
And I hope the picture of the jointers was of use??
Be good,

Well, abutment down is all it needs for a good chatter-free fit. Certainly have enough of a wedge to play with--that seems a good thing.
So is it hitting the cap iron screww and or screw head?
And at least you have other jointers [sure like that Clifton green...] to true the sole. You could always view it as an assembled kit...but better get that tote sorted out before she who must not be named sees it...
Take care, Mike
Well doesn't sound that much worse then some old jointers, to be honest. Except for the you-know-what. But hey, you've got rasps... ;~)
More concerning is:
"Needless to say I chickened out and used a jig on the drill press........"
Deary, deary me. Now if you'd been concealing that, I'd have understood!
Cheers, You-Know-Who :~)
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