Friday, April 14, 2006

More Fun

Spent a useful morning in the shop cleaning up-and getting my tools back out...... Interesting which tools you need as a "minimum toolkit". Also made more veneer on the new bandsaw (some ovangkol this time). I like this saw!!
Sophie was over the moon with her "first real saw"-she could'nt wait to get in the workshop with me to try it out. I had to have a conversation with her first on the difference between "real" tools and the "toy" ones she currently has. Nearly caught her trying out her new saw on my saw till. And yes, a few more grey hairs have appeared ;)

Have a good weekend,


Anonymous said...

Great memories in the making!

My granddaughter loves working in the shop with me. She has her own rasps and a saw her dad made.

She'll sit and rasp away on the "purty" wood into shapes. I think carving tools are next...

Nice looking veneer, too! Addictive it is.

Take care, Mike

Philly said...

Good idea-might get a file or two out for her tomorrow. She had a great time and so did I!
Having a great time with the bandsaw-going to try 12 inch wide tomorrow. Cutting your own veneer makes so much sense-it makes those pretty boards we hoard go so much further.