As promised, here's box number two. Made of English Elm and American Walnut it is a duplicate of box#1 (although made with the benefit of hindsight so less mistakes!). I've just got to cut the lid off and finish it. Pass the Danish oil.......
Other news-The Dorset Woodkateers are off to Axminster tomorrow! Hope they're ready for us (and Waka leaves his wallet at home)
P.s. There's another Disston on the way off the 'Bay, hand saw fans.
Be afraid, Axminster. Be very afraid...
Another nice one, Phil. Quieter than the maple and purpleheart, but maybe easier to live with :~) And what's this? Already got all the planes so it's on to saws now, eh? Yikes.
Yeah, I believe they've imposed a curfew on the town-we have to be out before dark! ;)
I like the way the elm and walnut go together. Once the finish goes on there'll be more contrast, but still. And I do love Elm, such a pleasant wood to work.
Saws? Yeah, got a bit of a saw thing going on. I'm even selling off the odd unused plane..........Now you're scared!
"I'm even selling off the odd unused plane."
Ha! You've got it bad...or at least it's growing [g].
Box No 2 looks very pleasant. I really like the light/dark in the brown hues. So what's next, Phil?
Take care, Mike
Got it bad? yeah, maybe! ;)
Another box or two in different sizes then a project to sink my teeth into.
I'll keep you posted!
"odd unused plane"? Can there be such a thing? All this saw stuff is Mike's fault, I'm sure. He's an evil tempter, 'specially when a person's got a resolution they're trying to make last at least 'til February...
"'specially when a person's got a resolution they're trying to make last at least 'til February..."
Yeah, but you didn't make it [g].
The offer is a standing one. Any type, any style. Maybe in a rare Rosewood...
Who's sorry to hijaak Phil's blog.
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