Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hi Folks
Well I'm safely back in the workshop. Three shows in four weeks is too much - there's only one of me, after all ;)
Cressing Temple was an enormous success - the location was perfect, the range of exhibits wide and there was a real buzz in the air. Everyone was catered for (even the children - there was a storyteller stroller the site entertaining the young, and not so young, ones)
The hand tool barn was packed with quality - David Charlesworth, Clifton, Konrad Sauer, Lie-Nielsen, John Lloyd, Veritas (complete with two of their designers, direct from Canada!), Richard Maguire with his awesome handmade workbenches, instrument makers and many many more, including my good self.
It is always a pleasure to chat with everyone who comes by the bench at shows- the feedback and encouragement really re-charges my batteries and reinforces my belief in what I am doing. Cheers!

So back in the 'shop I am working on a Jointer plane in Ovangkol. I finished making the lever cap and norris adjuster yesterday and will have the plane together and running today. Then I can start detailing it and apply the finish - this timber really comes alive when the oil goes on!

Had a visit from a Canadian customer this week - he wanted to collect his Skew Miter plane while visiting England on holiday. Always nice to have visitors at the 'shop - if you're ever in this part of the country drop me a line and come by for a cuppa and a tour!




DaveL said...

So what happened to your memory? I spent time talking to John Lloyd, where was David?
Thanks for the warm welcome, I had a great time wondering about talking to everyone, got away without spending loads of money, just enough to re stock with a few nice things.


Or am I John?

Philly said...

Ha! Well spotted - as you can tell, the brain still isn't running at 100% :)
Thanks for the biscuits, Dave - it was great to see you again.