Hi Folks
Been enjoying myself today, back at the 'bench. The sun was shining, the tools were sharp and I've got some fun planes on the go. Two jointers and two panel raisers. There's a kind of symmetry to it ;)
One thing I've been doing is turning front knobs for a plane. We are all familiar with the standard "Bailey" front knob - like a ball with a stem. Its easy to grip but I do find it a little uncomfortable if you have to use it for a long period of time - then the older style "mushroom" grip is much nicer. I have an old pre-war Stanley #6 that has both handles re-made by the original owner - the rear tote is slightly shorter than standard and feels "compact". I think he must of had smaller hands than me. But the front knob is a slightly fat mushroom shape and is totally gorgeous :) I also like the feel of the one on the Veritas Low Angle Jack.
So I've been turning up half a dozen variations to find my favourite - turning is not my first love, but I do enjoy it once I get into it. And I can now supply my customer with a plane with a choice of front knobs that will suit his hands, not just my own.