Sunday, January 11, 2009

Small is Beautiful....

Hi Folks
Another plane I finished this week was a tiny little rosewood plane suitable for an instrument maker. It's only three inches long and has a half inch wide iron. It's definitely a "one hand" plane and perfect for getting into tight spaces.
It's amazing how much time it took to make (almost as long as a full size plane) - smaller doesn't necessarily mean quicker ;)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful work Phil

Cheers, Ed Sutton

writewayze said...

Hi Philly,

Very nice indeed.

I have a piece of 'Lead-wood' about 30mm square by 250mm.

I had thoughts of making a wooden bevel-up block-plane along the lines of this beauty. I might need to fabricate the body because of the small section.

Have you ever heard of Lead-wood and if you know of it, is it suitable? I would say the nearest I have seen to it is Lignum Vitae.

I don't know where I would find the hardware you have here though!

(John Walker)

Philly said...

Hi John
Leadwood is pretty dense stuff so should be perfect for a plane.
If you need any "hardware" just drop me a line - I'd be happy to make what you need.