Hi Folks
At last I can reveal the final version of my recent spoke shave journey. The obviously named, "Philly Shave".
This one is winging its way to the first customer and is made from some lovely Indonesian Rosewood. Complete with brass wear strip and locking knobs it looks quite special. The cutter can be adjusted from the top to set the depth of cut and then locked off with the brass knobs - a good system. Finish is a coat of boiled linseed oil followed by many coats of shellac - a finish which really shows off the Rosewood to its best.
There are more details on my website, here.
Cupcake the Kitten is settling in nicely at home. She's not old enough to go outside yet but is making herself quite comfortable around the house. A favourite trick is jumping on the keyboard whilst you are typing (so apologies if the spellllllingggggg iiiiis baaadd) but it's good to see how naturally she has fitted into life here. Our last cat lasted was well into her twenties - you forget just how much energy kittens have!
Anyway - have to go. Someone wants to play with her favourite mouse........ ;)

very nice "Phillyshave' Can you do Pau Rosa? :)
See you next month hopefully
Cheers Mike .
That looks a real cracker, Phil.
Cheers ;-)
Paul Chapman
Hi Philly,
The shave is great. Just tried it the afternoon. Very sharp right out of the box. Like the "cambered" edge. Just keep up with your good work.
Mike - Pau Rosa? You betcha ;)
Paul - thanks!
Marc - My pleasure. Glad you like it,
best regards
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