Hi Folks
Been spending a little time playing with the new Veritas plough. I'll do a full review soon but thought you might like to hear my first impressions.
When I saw the first photo's on the web of this tool I wasn't too impressed. Veritas are well known for making tools that perform with excellence, but with "looks" a little further down the list of priorities. But in the flesh the plane is prettier, and the sheer high quality of its engineering is impressive.
The main difference between this and a classic metal plough is the method of locking the fence - instead of thumbscrews to lock it down this one has a collet system (rather like the chuck on a drill) that securely grips the fence rods. The precision of this method is impressive - it also keeps the fence parallel to the body. An excellent idea, and well implemented.
I'll come back to the plough later in the week - stay tuned!
Been making a smoother out of some Greenheart - my first time using this timber. It is very dense (I believe it sinks in water!!) and is going to make an excellent plane. Pictures on the way!
Have a good week,
Greetings, Philly,
I'm new to your site, having followed a link from Gary Roberts' site. Great looking planes you build! Maybe someday...
I'm looking forward to your full review of this plough, as it is high on my list. I agree with you about Veritas planes; they are often rather clunky-looking designs, but the engineering is top-notch. This looks like a beautiful little groover excepting the form of the tote. I may have to buy with the intention of making a more shapely (and probably more comfortable) replacement. Cheers, Tim
Do you make anything other that planes anymore, Phil? You might want to change the heading to "Toolmaking Philly Style!"
Welcome and thanks! I'll post my review later today. The tote isn't as bad as you'd think, though :)
Rookster - I will be making something "Non-tool" soon. Honest! ;)
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