HI Folks
And no, before you start panicking about the title, this post has no "New Yankee Workshop" content, so you can relax ;)
After all the excitement of WIA and the subsequent travel-tiredness, it's good to be "back-to-normal". Whatever that means.......?
And that means I've been cleaning up the 'shop (I must really of been panicking before I left for WIA - the place was in a complete state) With the shop tidy I spent some time re-arranging the tool chest. Just to get into the swing of things. And of course, I've been playing with my new Veritas Premium block plane. What a beauty - I'm still gob-smacked by its beauty and performance. Man, I'm sad :)
Did a small upgrade on the new mill - a digital readout for the Z axis (that's "up and down" to us simple types). The stop system that the mill came with might of been good enough for a drill press but useless on a mill. My new DRO was pretty simple to fit and works a treat. Got me thinking about the X and Y axis now........
Been busy making planes this week and all the while planning a new smoother. A customer has asked for a toted version of the brass soled smoother - I'm making prototypes this weekend so will hopefully have something to show soon. And the adjuster mechanisms are slowly coming together - having to learn more and more metalwork skills. One day I might be quite handy - just not yet ;)
Chief Shopcat Cupcake has been good company this week - I was testing a moving fillister today and she was up on the bench playing with the shavings as they curled out of the plane - hilarious! Just need to teach her how to use a broom..........
Been reading the threads on Woodnet about the new Veritas dovetail saw - quite amusing! Rob Lee and Co. must be sat there with big smirks on their faces! Amazing the emotion a new design can raise - I pretty sure Folks will be won over when they get to play with one, though. And that is a crucial thing - getting tools into peoples hands to try. It completely changes (or re-inforces) any preconceptions you may of held. And it's why I attended tool shows this year - and will be at many more next year! So please - if you see me at an event don't hesitate to come over and say "hi". Even if you hate wooden planes ;)
Be good,